The Friends for Seniors held their Annual Christmas Dinner at Immaculate Conception Church Hall on Saturday, December 1, and three hundred grateful and very happy seniors enjoyed a delicious chicken, stuffing, baked potato and green beans, with cake from Costco for dessert. The seniors got charged only a nominal $3 for the dinner, which also featured raffles. The Friends for Seniors do a fundraiser each year to supplement the cost. The food was prepared by Mike Sammarco and the Sons of Italy Crew---Donald Interrante, Dennis Gada, Alan Veterosa, Steve Signori, Steve Bates, Phil Glynn, Chet Collins, Nancy Patterson, Jo-Ann Signori, and Brenda Lehan.

There were celebrities in the audience, including Selectmen John Stagnone, John Anzivino & Cynthia Walsh; Interim Town Manager Joseph D. Feaster, Jr., Police Chief Paul Shastany, Fire Chief Mark Dolloff, and Council on Aging Director Karen Hall (accompanied by her son and daughter.) Entertainment was provided by the very talented David Cuddy, who played electric piano and sang Christmas tunes. He does both very well. There was also a special appearance by Santa Claus (Dr. Erdem Ural) , who took time out from the master plan for Christmas to hand out candy canes.

Events like this require a LOT of work. Give kudos to the Friends for Seniors Board, featuring President Bob Mullen, Vice President Joe Araujo and Treasurer Florence Stearns. The Board also includes Alice Araujo, Jerry Capozzoli, Lee Lysko, Josephine "Josie" and Fred Sargent, Mike Sammarco, Dave Sheehan, Paul Stearns, Phyllis Tabbi, Steve Bates, Chet Collins, and Don Interrante.

The Friday night before the dinner, a number of Stoughton High National Honor Society students set up the hall. They included Kelsie Laferriere, Niamh Fennessy, Brett Hoffman, Patrick Jackman, Benjamin Call, Destiny DeLaRosa, Kevin McDonald, Nicole Kerman, Emma and Maddie Sinkus, Deborah Lumene, Lisa Bontemps, Jacob Finer, Adam Lurie, and Alexis Ploss.

During the event, 22 National Honor Society students help serve all the courses, and cleaned all the tables. They included Kelsie Laferriere, Emily Cramer, John Stewart-Racicot, Alex Peixinho, Sandra Khuu, Pat Jackman, Jess Flum, Ava Dubovy, Callie Concannon, Rachel Berkowsky, Deborah Lumene, Holly kaufman, Cassandra Mello, Corey Shore, Nicole Daniels, Dan Block, Amanda Glickman, Val Sammarco, Christina Solem, Ariana Hall, and Marie Mesket. They were aided by Life Teen student Matthew O'Connor.


Story & Photos by MARK SNYDER (c) 2012 by PMPNertwork, Inc./

(photos top right Father Joe McDermott & Josephine "Josie" Sargent; second row left photo Police Chief Paul Shastany, Jerry Capozzoli & John Anzivino. Second row right: SHS NHS students. Third row left David Cuddy. Third row right: Ali Hall. Bottom row right Selectman Chairman John Stagnone. Left, Phil Glynn with quilt he won in raffle. Right, Santa (Dr. Erdem Ural)