
Stoughton Media Access Corporation

Programming Schedule:
Verizon Channel 28

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
 4:54 PM       PSA Deed Copy Scan
 5:00 PM       Community Forum - Dr. Marguerite Rizzi
 6:00 PM       Local News
 7:00 PM       Catch & Release
 7:30 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 8:58 PM       PSA Deed Copy Scan
 9:00 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 9:30 PM       Smart Boating: Marine Safety
10:00 PM       Community Forum - New England Sinai Hospital
11:00 PM       NASA 360 Volcanoes
11:30 PM       Open Mic Poetry
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
 9:00 AM       Explore: Gorillas
 9:30 AM       Piano Guy
10:00 AM       Culinary Journal - Alfredo
11:00 AM       College tuition Solutions
11:30 AM       Thyme in the Kitchen: Comfort Foods
12:30 PM       NASA 360 Green Technologies
 1:00 PM       Smart Boating: Marine Safety
 1:30 PM       Catch & Release
 2:00 PM       Culinary Journal
 3:00 PM       Snyder's Stoughton 
 4:00 PM       Bate Pap Com Shirley
 5:00 PM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
 7:00 PM       Local News
 8:00 PM       Community Forum - New England Sinai Hospital
 9:00 PM       NASA 360 Volcanoes
 9:30 PM       College tuition Solutions
10:00 PM       Piano Guy
10:30 PM       Explore: Gorillas
11:00 PM       Thyme in the Kitchen: Comfort Foods
Thursday, March 25, 2010
 6:00 AM       NASA 360 - Kennedy Space Center
 7:00 AM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
 9:00 AM       Culinary Journal
10:00 AM       Open Mic Poetry
10:30 AM       NASA 360 Volcanoes
11:00 AM       Community Forum - New England Sinai Hospital
12:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 2:00 PM       Culinary Journal - Alfredo
 3:00 PM       Community Forum - Dr. Marguerite Rizzi
 4:00 PM       Explore: Gorillas
 4:30 PM       Piano Guy
 5:00 PM       Bate Pap Com Shirley
 6:00 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 6:30 PM       NASA 360 Green Technologies
 7:00 PM       Local News
 8:00 PM       Catch & Release
 8:30 PM       Smart Boating: Marine Safety
 9:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
10:30 PM       NASA 360 - Johnson Space Center
11:00 PM       Explore: Gorillas
11:30 PM       College tuition Solutions
Friday, March 26, 2010
 7:00 AM       Snyder's Stoughton 
 8:00 AM       Explore: Gorillas
 8:30 AM       Culinary Journal - Alfredo
 9:00 AM       Piano Guy
 9:30 AM       Thyme in the Kitchen - Let's get saused
10:01 AM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
12:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 1:30 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 2:00 PM       NASA 360 - Johnson Space Center
 2:30 PM       Bate Pap Com Shirley
 3:30 PM       Culinary Journal
 4:00 PM       Explore: Gorillas
 4:30 PM       30 Odd Minutes: UFO's
 5:00 PM       NASA 360 - Kennedy Space Center
 5:30 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 6:00 PM       Community Forum - New England Sinai Hospital
 7:00 PM       Snyder's Stoughton 
 8:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 9:30 PM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
11:05 PM       Piano Guy
Saturday, March 27, 2010
 7:00 AM       Snyder's Stoughton 
 8:00 AM       Explore: Gorillas
 8:30 AM       Culinary Journal - Alfredo
 9:00 AM       Piano Guy
 9:30 AM       Thyme in the Kitchen - Let's get saused
10:01 AM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
12:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 1:30 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 2:00 PM       NASA 360 - Johnson Space Center
 2:30 PM       Bate Pap Com Shirley
 3:30 PM       Culinary Journal
 4:00 PM       Explore: Gorillas
 4:30 PM       30 Odd Minutes: UFO's
 5:00 PM       NASA 360 - Kennedy Space Center
 5:30 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 6:00 PM       Community Forum - New England Sinai Hospital
 7:00 PM       Snyder's Stoughton 
 8:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 9:30 PM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
11:05 PM       Piano Guy
Sunday, March 28, 2010
 7:00 AM       Snyder's Stoughton 
 8:00 AM       Explore: Gorillas
 8:30 AM       Culinary Journal - Alfredo
 9:00 AM       Piano Guy
 9:30 AM       Thyme in the Kitchen - Let's get saused
10:01 AM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
12:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 1:30 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 2:00 PM       NASA 360 - Johnson Space Center
 2:30 PM       Bate Pap Com Shirley
 3:30 PM       Culinary Journal
 4:00 PM       Explore: Gorillas
 4:30 PM       30 Odd Minutes: UFO's
 5:00 PM       NASA 360 - Kennedy Space Center
 5:30 PM       Culinary Kids: Pizza
 6:00 PM       Community Forum - New England Sinai Hospital
 7:00 PM       Snyder's Stoughton 
 8:00 PM       Selectmen Meeting 3/16/10
 9:30 PM       Stoughton Grenadiers 1976 - 2000
11:05 PM       Piano Guy



**Schedule subject to change without notice.

Questions or comments should be sent to:
Stephen Innis
Executive Director
Stoughton Media Access Corporation

Or mail / drop off to 10 Pearl Street Stoughton Mass 02072 (Town Hall)