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Brian Kaplan, of the Stoughton Little League Rangers squad, shows off the 2004 Red Sox World Series Ring

World Flag & Food Day at O'Donnell Middle School provides some geography and a LOT of food!

Senior Graduating Members of the Stoughton High School Music Department 2007

ODMS Students prepare boxes of supplies to be sent to the troops in Iraq.



Soldiers in Iraq carry supplies sent by the students and families of O'Donnell Middle School.


Stoughton Fine Arts Director Ron Christianson and teacher Daniel Davey giving award to outgoing SHS Principal Phil Iacobacci

Stoughton High Freshmen Sean O'Malley addresses
a legislative breakfast about the Stoughton Library's Monday night homework tutoring


Students at ODMS read stories with elementary school students around the town


Repucci Scholarship Winners (Awarded to two Instrumental and/or Vocal graduating seniors who demonstrate exemplary examples of Service, Dedication and Spirit to the music organizations): Robert Gold and Jenna Schofield

O'Donnell Middle School students participate in after school volleyball.  Mr. Ken Gay and Mrs. Karen O'Connell volunteer to run this activity.  Mr. Gay even purchased the volleyballs with his own money.

Travis Demko re-enacts a Civil War soldier at O'Donnell Middle School


Stoughton Chamber of Commerce Vice Chairman Mark Snyder and Executive Director Terry Schneider present Ron Christianson with an award
from the Chamber for his 35 years of the service to the community at the "Tribute to Ron Christianson" on Father's Day at Stoughton High.
(Joyce Parsons photo)

Luca Venterosa does the Civil War thing at O'Donnell Middle School

SnydersStoughton.com Success:
in the past year

Special thanks to O'Donnell Middle School Principal Wayne Hester

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